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September 2015

5635 1

My Bedside Table: The Curator


A balanced composition feels right. It feels stable and aesthetically pleasing. While some of its elements might be focal points and attract your eye, no one area of the composition draws your eye so much that you can’t see the…

4304 2

Don’t forget about future


Necessity is indeed an effective mother of invention—motivation and exercising a clever and concentrated approach are needed to succeed at something that’s difficult. It’s not enough to try to draw a tree every day.

4463 0

Never be like you


A balanced composition feels right. It feels stable and aesthetically pleasing. While some of its elements might be focal points and attract your eye, no one area of the composition draws your eye so much that you can’t see the…

6396 0

Around the World

Fashion, Lifestyle

A balanced composition feels right. It feels stable and aesthetically pleasing. While some of its elements might be focal points and attract your eye, no one area of the composition draws your eye so much that you can’t see the…

6045 0

Typography post


The person on the left makes the If one of the people was much bigger, though, the balance would be thrown off.seesaw rotate counterclockwise, and the person on the right makes it rotate clockwise by an equal amount. The force…


Predefined skins

Live color changer

Main Theme Color

Blog layouts

Default layout Show every third post in vertical design Show second and next posts in 2 columns List with short posts blocks List with short posts and big blocks (every third post) Masonry layout Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)

This is few demo examples of colors and layouts. You can create your own unlimited skins, colors and layout combinations in advanced Armonioso Control panel.