
Travel category

The concept of travel is shaped by things with meaning and love.

About me

Hi to everyone.
My name is Polly!

Hello, my name is Polly! Himmelen is a daily updated blog about travel, inspirations, photographers, illustrators, food lovers and everyday moments from all over the world.

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Inspiration category

Coming from two
different cultures has
been instrumental in
how we’ve approached
our design process.

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Weekend with Friend

Human nature is a broad term that encompasses many qualities. Creativity is less a general or amorphous quality and more a very specific capacity to exercise a specific set of skills. Is everyone born with the potential to develop these skills?

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Contemporary OutDoor Culture

It’s true that in some environments, the practice of creative skills isn’t encouraged and may be actively discouraged. In some places, schools may present such environments.If parents can provide more opportunities for this, that would help.

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Coconut coffee milk ice cream

They were both Chinese immigrants to America—my father was a mechanic and my mother took care of the family. They taught me to work hard, take opportunities, accept responsibility and eschew cowardice, less by explicit direction and more by implicit influenc
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15 Things: My amazing places
15 Things: My amazing places
15 Things: My amazing places

15 Things: My amazing places

People who have a difficult time differentiating one musical note from another may have a hard time singing on key. However, there are ways of overcoming or compensating for this. The plasticity of the brain is quite amazing.
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Everyday creative impulse

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Predefined skins

Live color changer

Main Theme Color

Blog layouts

Default layout Show every third post in vertical design Show second and next posts in 2 columns List with short posts blocks Masonry layout

Blog slider

Style 1 Style 2

This is few demo examples of colors and layouts. You can create your own unlimited skins, colors and layout combinations in advanced Himmelen Control panel.