



Norwegian Photography – Inspiration


These people aren’t assigned to us, but chosen by us—and isn’t that as worthy of celebration as any confluence of fate and genetics? These carefully selected families continue to grow throughout our lives without a ticking sociological to worry about.


Photographer to Inspire: Workshop


The literature on creativity suggests that there are at least a few personality traits that promote creative behavior, such as openness, a willingness to take risks and an ability to tolerate ambiguity and cope with novel situations.

My work

Away From Reality Photograph Series


In our current society, real family values have nothing to do with where we live or how we know each other—they’re about how we treat each other. Now there’s a concept worthy of a cheesy half hour of television.


Minimalist Square Pictures

Inspiration, Lifestyle

Some believe that hereditary factors are responsible for one family producing generations of musical virtuosos, while others suggest that our cultural and environmental surroundings play a larger role than genetics.


Day with best Friend – Leica


Human nature is a broad term that encompasses many qualities. Creativity is less a general or amorphous quality and more a very specific capacity to exercise a specific set of skills. Is everyone born with the potential to develop these…


Predefined skins

Live color changer

Main Theme Color

Blog layouts

Default layout Show every third post in vertical design Show second and next posts in 2 columns List with short posts blocks List with short posts and big blocks (every third post) Masonry layout Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)

This is few demo examples of colors and layouts. You can create your own unlimited skins, colors and layout combinations in advanced Armonioso Control panel.